What are your Processes/Procedures for the work I need done?

For prepping areas to paint, our quotes include: Patching nail/small holes, caulking where needed (if we are painting the trim), and sanding before each coat on walls, trim, and doors. These little details take just a small amount of time for us, but make all the difference in the finished product. Doing the prep the way RollTheLex does ensures the proper finish and durability for the product.

How do you protect our home?

We drop cloth and/or paper every area we are working in. We also put plastic over items that are not able to be removed from the rooms. If there are built-ins or cabinets in the room, we cover those as well. In addition we will also use a runner as a walk path from the door to the work area.

What does a work day look like?

We start at 8 and generally work until about 4:30-5 (although sometimes jobs demand a little more time). We will communicate that with you. Generally speaking, it gets awkward working in someone’s home once everyone is there and getting ready for dinner. Plus, we like to eat and see our own families.

Do I need to be home while you work?

That is 100% up to you. Many people leave us a key, let us in and go to work, or leave us a garage code. Occasionally someone is not comfortable with workers being in their home alone and that is okay too. We are setting a standard for trust in an industry that is historically untrustworthy. We want you to feel comfortable!

Do you have insurance?

RollTheLex carries both a general liability policy and worker’s compensation insurance. We want you to have peace of mind if an accident occurs to either property or a worker on your property.

I have other projects going on in my house, How do we schedule?

Generally speaking, painting is the last job to be done in a house. We ask (in most circumstances) that no other work be going on during the painting. When multiple companies are working together they start to get in each other’s way, make mistakes that affect the whole job, and are overall less efficient for themselves and the customers.

How do you handle working directly with other contractors or trades on the job?

Every job is different in scope (drywall, trim installation, etc.) so we would need to approach each job uniquely to get it done properly. In most cases we will need to know exactly what is being done and be in direct communication with the other contractor and you, the customer. This will ensure that all our work is done in a timely manner with minimal trips into your home to keep touching up from other trades (drywall, trim, etc.). Our goal is to get your job finished and your house “back to normal” as quickly as possible.

How do we walk through the job and what is your touch up policy?

At or near the completion of the project, we will walk through the job with you to look for any missed spots/areas of concern. We will have already walked the job ourselves prior to this and we do quality checks as we go. Once the walk through is completed we will have a copy of our checklist that we ask you and the foreman to sign stating that the job is complete. This ensures that all parties are satisfied with the project when we leave the job site, puts you at ease to “live” in your house again, and sends us to our next project.

Will the price change after the project has started?

Where the price is quoted is where the price will stay. The only change to this is an addendum based upon uncertainties in a job. These are VERY rare and will be discussed beforehand. Any changes in color, scope of work, etc. may result in a change in price. Some colors cover better than others and may require either more work or a change in material. All of our quotes include all paint/materials unless otherwise stated. We find this to be a great value to our customers as all they need to do is pick out a paint color and we do the rest. We ask for 25% as a deposit to put your job on the schedule.