Thank you so much for considering RollTheLex Painting!

We have spent the last eight years building an impeccable reputation for cleanliness, quality work, trustworthiness, and speed - and we are making year nine our best yet!

My name is David King. I am 44 years old and have been married to Mandy for 21 years, and we have 7 kids. I started RollTheLex in June of 2015. I had recently quit a sewer contract job working crazy hours and being out of town. We planned to move to Nashville to be near family, but we could not sell our house. I asked the guys at my local paint store if you could make a living painting and with only about 4-5 rooms of experience under my belt I set out to paint. I studied YouTube videos, practiced in my basement, and asked a TON of questions to my paint guys.

Year by year our customer base has continued to expand and now we are going into our seventh year as one of the most popular and reputable companies in the painting industry. We now employ Joe, John, Dan, and Isaac in the field and our admin Amanda, who keeps all the office stuff together.

I started this company to provide for my family and be able to attend all of their ball games. Now it’s growing to be able to help support multiple families. What I am most proud of is that we have created a work culture that is unparalleled.

Thank you in advance for supporting a local small business and helping us to grow. I see us providing great jobs for people and making an impact on central Kentucky for years to come!