RollTheLex Painting Co. - Residential & Commercial Painters - Lexington, KY

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When are the best times for paint projects to be done?

There are several answers to this so let’s break it down.  We will talk: interior, exterior, cabinets, and when to get a deal/find a sale. Let’s start with the inside work.

Interior painting: There is really no bad time to schedule interior painting. It’s not very affected by the weather, though on a rainy day the moisture can affect paint drying. A good percentage of interior work comes when people are moving and the best possible scenario is to paint before moving in.  We know closing dates and inspections can change and are unpredictable.  We schedule these by asking the earliest possible date that someone would like and then put it on the calendar.  If the project needs to be moved back, that is easier than to schedule further out and then try and move up.  If we have to push a project back there are always people willing to move up. If other projects are going on then it’s usually best to put painting at the end of the entire project.  Think of us as the cherry on top of the sundae. We will protect floors, cabinets, countertops, etc.  It’s going to be better to finish off all your other work with a fresh paint job.

Cabinet painting: Just like walls, trim, and ceilings, we can paint your cabinets year round.  They aren’t affected by weather. We also do them routinely with the house being occupied. We plastic off the kitchen with a vent/fan to keep the rest of your house clean.  If you are painting the walls/ceiling then let us go first on this one.  It will not only save a little time for us prepping those areas, but will minimize the possibility of overspray getting on a freshly painted area. The busiest time for cabinets usually comes in the months before the holidays.  Starting around mid-September people will start to get prepared for the holidays.  Cabinets are a centerpiece of a kitchen and it can totally change your space for the holidays. If you think that’s going to be your plan then get scheduled earlier in the fall to make sure we don’t get bogged down.  

Exterior work: This is definitely the trickiest type of project to schedule. We get the most calls for exterior work in the mid to late fall.  Every year it never fails that a lot of people call with only a couple of weeks left with decent weather.  The absolute best time to schedule exterior work is summer into fall. It doesn’t get warm enough to do much until mid-April and then it’s usually raining.  The paint we use can be applied down to thirty five degrees, but with the increase in dry time (due to temperature), it’s not an ideal situation. Oil based deck stain can be applied with no temperature limitations, so that’s going to be whatever the painter can handle. 

Sales or deals: Holidays and back to school times are good times to look for a special. We slow down some during these times and painting can make for a great Christmas present! We have also done specials for “first exterior booking of the year” or also to get work on the calendar in advance. Our busiest times are February - June and September - early December.  If you know you want a project done but want to save some money, those are the best times to look.