Company Culture at Roll The Lex.

Before I worked with RollTheLex, I was familiar with the company because I had hired them to paint projects at my house - twice. They showed up on time, left my house cleaner then they found it, and did an impeccable job at the painting too. If I hadn’t been impressed the first time, I wouldn’t have asked them to come back. 

When I reached out to David in January 2020 about the possibility of a “partnership” between my small business and RollTheLex, it was because I was familiar with the company and I wanted to see if I could help someone in a trade like business with my administrative skills. He told me later that he was immediately concerned. In this business, a partnership usually means a sellout, a takeover, or at the very least a sub contractor agreement. He still took the meeting, and while he didn’t hire me at the time as a contractor, we stayed in touch through social media and when he was looking for an office administrator in the summer of 2020, I happened to have availability.

Even though I was working another part time job at the time, and still running my small business, it was an easy yes.  The integrity and transparency I had come to expect from David’s personal social media, is the exact same character with which he runs his business. 

I have now been working with RollTheLex for well over a year, and in that time, I have since quit my other part time job and stopped trying to gain clientele for my small business. While I am still officially a part time employee, I enjoy very flexible hours that are mostly on my own terms. This turns out to be a very family friendly environment, that allows me to work at times of the day that to others might seem odd, but it ensures more time with my young kids. David treats all of his employees, whether they are crew, office or contract staff, with the same respect and professionalism, and gives us all the same ability to put our families first.

When RollTheLex posts a job opening, the culture is shared about most. Having experience with some toxic office cultures in the past, I can say with complete honesty that working at RollTheLex has quite a unique and positive culture. 

I’ve never actually worked in a trade or field based business before, and I’ve had to get used to quite a few differences from the office environment. During my learning curve, the entire RollTheLex team has always been helpful and never judgmental. When new field staff are hired, there is always an abundance of time and patience offered to employees in order to learn skills on the job, as well as, how our company handles work.

From my understanding, not every owner or boss is as forgiving. I’ve watched David help out new employees out of his own pocket, support his long time employees with additional hours and bonus opportunities, and financially donate to help the local community. 

David’s leadership makes RollTheLex a great place to work, but the values with which he leads the company are held by the field crews as well.

Good customer service, ensuring that all customers are treated fairly, and making sure that the job is done right are things that I hear from the crews all the time. I work to make sure the schedule is up to date with all jobs, and job changes, and they check in with details about how the job is going. Without the RollTheLex culture, this communication would not be as fluid as it is. While I’ve been at RollTheLex, I have helped streamline and implement processes that have changed the company forever. David was open to new ways of doing things if it meant that he had more freedom and his company could grow.

We are now able to collect customer information for quotes in a much more efficient manner. Without that attitude of forward thinking and looking at future growth, this business would be stagnant. However, as it is, David has continually grown RollTheLex to hire more people, take on more customers and along with that, has created an atmosphere of growth for everyone alongside him.  Now, with our new General Manager, we are set to continue growth in this culture, establishing a painting business in the central Kentucky area that is not only good to its customers, but is also good to its employees. 


Proper prep prevents poor performance


Painting walls In Lexington - The roll the Lex Way